There is Only One of “You “

Before the foundation of the world when God was thinking of creating you in His image and His likeness, —You were the only one on His mind and heart at that very moment. You are a special jewel in God’s eyes.

In a recent podcast I listened to there were two Christian women talking about experiencing at times some jealousy and even envy from comparing their lives to other women. They even compared their possessions as in owning a yacht or a private jet! As Christians, they both shared how they each prayed to the Lord and asked the Lord to forgive them and as they prayed for themselves and for these other women they ended praising and worshipping the Lord instead. Isn’t this wonderful?! Many women suffer from jealousies at times and it is why it’s important to talk to the Lord about everything that is going on in our lives and our longings and our feelings. The Lord does not withhold any good thing from us, His children. We should keep in mind that even though we are on earth, heavenly angels do not compare themselves to each other or are they jealous of each other for their God given assignments. God always knows what is best for each of us.

“See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; Your walls are continually before Me. “ -Isaiah 49:16

Prayer: Lord, please help me see myself through Your eyes only as You see me and not through man’s eyes. Thank You for creating me in Your image and in Your likeness as it pleased You. Help me trust You in this too. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. – Psalm 139:14

On the Mount of Olives

The Mount of Olives, Jerusalem, Israel

Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, who also said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.” Then they returned to Jerusalem from the Mount called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem, a Sabbath day’s journey. – Acts 1:9-12

How glorious the ascension of Jesus must have been as His disciples were amazed eyewitnesses as they watched Jesus as a cloud received Him out of their sight. And what a day His return will be on that glorious day which every eye will see.

The Mount of Olives is where Jesus taught, prayed, and wept, and where He ascended to heaven and where He will return someday. This is the reason the Mount of Olives is a sacred place. What a blessed experience it must be to all of those who have visited here. Going to the Holy Land is on my bucket list of places to visit someday and I hope it is also in yours too.

Prayer: Lord, What a wonderful and comforting blessing that You alone hear our prayers and see our tears regardless where we are in the world today. Thank You that You hear every prayer even before we utter it to You. Thank You that You ascended to heaven long ago and You will return in the same way someday as the disciples watched You go into heaven. What joy and

glory! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Everything We Do Is Worship

As believers and followers of Jesus whatever we do in His name it is worship in His eyes. It does not matter whether we are cleaning the house, cooking, doing the laundry, changing a diaper or caring for a loved one. God blesses us in the hidden things we are doing for Him and for others.

Many years ago I recall serving in our church nursery one day. While changing a toddler boy’s heavy soiled diaper, momentarily I complaint to the Lord as I did not feel like doing this at all and asked for His help. To my surprise the Lord spoke to my heart saying, “I was also a toddler like this boy —do it as if this was Me.” I was amazed at His words and it immediately changed my mind and I was able to change the soiled diaper with joy in my heart in the name of the Lord. Can you imagine—even in this, I thought.

Is there something you need to do that you particularly do not want to do ask the Lord for His help. He will indeed help you.

Mary, the mother of Jesus in her humble state was chosen by God to be the mother of our Savior. Do you think Christians need to be on a platform speaking or singing from a microphone before a huge audience to think God is more pleased with you? Not at all. We read in Scripture that God sees our hearts. God knows who He wants to use in His kingdom in hidden and in public places for His own glory. So, let us continue serving the Lord wherever He plants us to serve Him. Teaching in a public or private school or home school classroom, as a doctor or a nurse or a homemaker or whatever job title you may have. This is the kind of worship we can offer Him from our heart as we worship Him in spirit and in truth.

So, whether you eat or drink , or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31.

Gorgeous backyard bougainvilleas

Taste and See

When we believe in God and trust in Him for our life journey we begin to see things a little bit differently than the way today’s culture sees things. We begin to see through God’s eyes. We take the next step to rest in Him and taste and see that the Lord is truly good as we trust and take refuge in Him.

Prayer: Lord, Thank You that I can trust in You and take refuge in You alone. Thank you for Your goodness and Your faithfulness to me. I am blessed in You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

He Calls the Stars by Name

“He counts the number of the stars; He calls them all by name.” – Psalm 147:4

Just the way God numbers the stars and calls them all by name, He calls you and me by name. Isn’t this amazing?! Our galaxy has at least 400 hundred billion stars. This is because God is a great an awesome God! He is omnipresent and is in control of all things and of every situation. He is a God we can trust.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, Thank You that You created the innumerable stars and You number and call each one by name. You are truly an amazing God! Thank You that You also call me by name and know me well, understand me completely, and love me as I am. Amen.

Stars photo by NASA/Google
Vivian’s photo by Desiree Hays

Shepherds cave in shepherds field. Bethlehem, Israel